A Pretty Cactus :) |
Me and Patricia at church :) This was the first time I've ever seen her
with her hair down and it is sooooo long! She normally has it in a
trenza. |
The husbands singing to their wives. |
365 DAYS AND COUNTY (05.05.2014)
no pictures
MEETINGS (04.28.2014)
We knew our time together is limited...so we combined our rooms. |
Ran into my MTC companion at the Easter Pageant! |
We took some roommate pictures today with one of the members in their ward. |
BECAUSE OF HIM (04.21.2014)
These shoes were made for walking ... just maybe not as much! |
You can't really tell, but I put his snapback on. I know, I know, I'm pretty stylish. |
Pretty flowers |
A different type of Spanish Study. |
I TURNED 20!!!!!!!!!!!! (04.14.2014)
Outside the temple right after the sealing. |
I made them wear the wedding colors :) |
Love this! |
Opening presents. There are a lot more, but most of them are blurry! |
We were reverse matchers on my birthday |
Birthday cupcakes ... special delivery! |
Goat time! |
LDS CONFERENCE (04.07.2014)
At conference |
At the temple |
Teaching Rossy the Restoration |
Set up for Easter Pageant |
With Natividad's goat, Pixie. |
Having fun after our haircuts! |
At the charity yard sale we did as a zone. |
SE FUE EL BIGOTE (03.31.2014)
This is me with Natividad. We had to have the lesson outside because we couldn't find a member to come with us. |
This is Karina's daughter, Ari. She wanted to put my tag on. So adorable! |
PS ... I cut my hair. Really short. Do you life it? | |
This is our zone in the morning after we hiked the mountain. |
There were these awesome hats at MLC. Lunch was chinese themed. |
MARCHING ALONG (03.24.2014)
Dinner |
So ... Sister's Hair and Greiner cleaned out an old lady's closet for service and brought us home these gems. Enjoy! |
OTRO TRASLADO SE FUE!!! (03.17.2014)
At Perla's party ... probably I shouldn't have worn the horns ... |
Saying goodbye. Sister Whaley on the left and Sister Burnham on the right. |
Tired of Gilbert Temple pictures yet? Good! Cuz I'm not :) |
At temple for baptisms! |
A really nice lady we OYMd gave us fresh lemonade. So tasty! She was from Thailand. |
All of us with our temple recommends :) |
Love this temple :) |
A member's great dane ... she's huge! |
Best Mission President and Wife. EVER. |
The Four Original Cloud Pack at MLC. We are all STLs now. |
They went and bought six puppies. Who does that?? |
After temple session :) |
Another of the barn! |
The Zone at the Monastery |
The day of the Celebration :) |
Another at the Temple |
Our WML's daughter drew us all :) |
There is a scorpion stuck in our light. We named him Balthazar. |
Us at the wedding |
Cutting the Tres Leches at the dinner with the Abreu's |
I made the cupcakes for Sister Chavarri's birthday |
The Allreds made her a cake :) |
My Valentine's |
Ramon's baptism :) |
The Barn |
Just a little Hermana Baria Art ... haha |
Hermana Baldwin's new Peruvian restaurant! |
Face masks |
So this picture looks kinda bad ... but, it's just a really fun game we were playing at FHE. Habla Chanco |
We're back ... together! |
Carmen's baptism |
Gotta love these sunsets :) |
Just some pretty awesome ladies! |
The baby bunnies are getting a whole lot cuter now! The black one is my favorite :) |
MONDAY, MONDAY (01.27.2014
Hermana Bukoskie and I at the Temple :) |
FROSTY ... and NOT THE WENDY'S KIND (01.06.2014)
See! We set our clock forward and pretended :) Got to get creative!! |
This is our celebration!! |
Also the Blackeye Peas :) Got to keep the tradition alive!! Excuse my
rough apperance...it was early and I hadn't finished getting ready. Just
wanted to let you know that I did it! |
I also got to hold 6-hr old bunnies! I know it looks pretty ugly, but
they get a whole lot cuter after you hold them in your hand. Promise. |
Then this morning we got to hold 1-hr old bunnies. This little guy was even cuter! |
RING OUT THE OLD (12.30.2013)
These are the Abreus. They are the greatest!!! She is the Relief Society
President. They had us over Christmas morning before we came and skyped
you and they gave us blankets :) Perfect for morning studies! |
This is Hna. Piriz who is a really awesome member in our
ward. She took us and got us In-N-Out on the way home. |
The temple lights! This is Vanessa and Francisco. They are so sweet. |
FELIZ NAVIDAD (12.23.2013)
New digs! |
My desk. You can't see the bottom, but basically it belongs on a playground. That's all I can think of when I look at it. |
Our cow right outside our dining room window. |
My buddy and me! |
Our cow. He likes to wait for us at our back door :) |
Our ugly turkey. I like to make turkey noises at him. I'm getting pretty
good. At least I think I am because he gobbles back at me. |
This is our classy shower in the Laundry room. |
Us with our balloons. Yay for selfies! |
At the temple. |
The consequences of living so far away. Portable studies :) From the
Relief Society room during the week, to the Kitchen on busy building
Sundays. Gotta love mission life! |
Our adorable paper Nativity we found and set up :) |
Our cute tree! |
Temple day! |
Made some of the Hot cocoa you sent! |
First frost! Sorry if you can't really tell! |
Got more delicious Lucuma ice cream from the Baldwins. Did you look up
the fruit?! It's weird looking, but it's one of the most delicious
things I've ever tasted. At least in ice cream form! |
Pretty much I was the happiest missionary ever when these came :) | | |
Cutest lady in the ward gave us this as a Christmas Present :) |
The Field is White all Ready to Harvest! These cotton fields are all over the place!! We just had to get a picture with them :) |
We helped a recent convert with his garage sale and he let me have this
dress and I got all crafty and stuff and made it into a skirt! It's a
little rough at the top, but I don't really have a sewing machine to fix
it so it will have to do! |
THANKSGIVING (11.25.2013)
Jonathan's baptism!!! |
our zone |
our new neighbors adorable dog |
story of our lives! we are always the last car in the parking lot after planning |
proof that my shoes are falling apart! |
what we walked home to Monday night |
our new place |
we live right by cows |
Fun with the fake mustaches! |
Does she look like a cat? That's the best I could do. Pretty good for my first time?? haha |
Beatuiful sky! |
This is how excited I was when I got Shay's letter :) I'm that excited with any letter!...hint...hint... |
We took Sister Chavarri's camera and had some fun one night. |
I was pretending to be her...I want to get glasses like hers when I get back! |
Sister Lattin and Sister Chavarri had comp study outside and were totally creeping on us through the window haha. |
At the temple...please ignore the randome elder and my less than gorgeous apperance...like I said, we woke up early! |
The Baptism! It was beautiful :) |
We got these while we were at the Gas Station changing back into our normal clothes after we did somer service. |
I flipped when I saw these in the box! Delicious :) Everyone loved them. Send more?? |
OCTOBERFEST (10.07.2013)
Cream cheese frosting and graham crackers ... It was delicious :) |
his is me and Sister Bukoskie |
We washed Teresa's dog for service. Fun stuff!
Ummm....I kind of broke this chari. Apparently I have very strong knees?? |
Turns out, I wore the same dress as the day we took this picture with 3
weeks left so we took another one with no weeks left. Crazy! |
At our dinner last night we decided to beat the member's record and eat 6
of those each. We were soooooo stuffed, but they were tasty! Love that
family that we ate with. They both served missions and are awesome. |
ANOTHER WEEK GONE (09.23.2013)
Exchanges with Sister Lemon |
Our dinner cancelled on us...so we got Chick-Fil-A :)
THE FLAVOR OF FALL (09.17.2013)
The Turtle (Flash) that Francisco found and caught after the storm |
At the New Member Fireside. |
ONE MORE TIME (09.09.2013)
she told us to do this because we are 3 weeks through the transfer....which means we also have 3 weeks left so it's perfect :) |
Oh p.s. I broke this apple in half with my bare hands :) |
Hello hike ... Take your pick of your favorite...I took a lot.
that little house thing is the point that we started from...and that's zoomed in all the way!
this is how dark it was when we first got to the top! |
This is our huggy picture from when we said goodbye to Sister Walker | | |
we found the cutest little puppy!! |
And he started to lick my face right as she took the picture haha. |
This is basically my favorite picture ever! Put this on your new photo wall Mom! |
My companion is a nerd :) |
Basically, this was a gourmet meal for us!
Found my school!!!
was a LONG day of biking. These are the little puny water bottles we
have instead of our Camlebaks...but at least they stay cold!
To keep them even colder, we get resourceful and use Otterpops as ice packs :)
The four of us a transfers...before everything changed :/
STAYING IN PLACE (08.19.2013)
My poor shoes! |
My footprints in the mud. |
I'm converting the world to open-face sandwiches one companion at a time! |
We had a hurried lunch in the church kitchen on Sunday!!! |
Found this note left on the door for us :( |
This is when Franciso bailed on us and we couldn't go to the Mission President Fireside :/ |
This is when we had lunch with Val. She is the sweetest. |
Some pretty sunsets. You would love them, Dad! |
Our Zone! Last picture before transfers. |
Trying, but pretty much failing to get a picture of me with the temple. How is the temple shaking but not me? |
Pretty sunset :) We saw this while we were biking and stopped to take a picture. |
ANOTHER WEEK DOWN (08.05.2013)
The four of us out front after the
Me at the temple :)
Just the temple!
Abraham, Jesus, Adriana, Perla, Jackie, Rosie = Adriana and Jesus are the parents and then the rest are their kids.
Gisele and Erica = Erica is Adriana's sister and Gisele is her daughter.
Then the other one is just with everyone and a whole bunch of other people from the ward who jumped in.
Not sure which picture is better, but Janet and I took some together. She said she'll see me next summer when she comes again.
Michelle and Sister Chavarri. We realized that we don't have a ton of pictures together so we got one too :)
Here is our house!!! That's just
a quick picture I took of the whole thing, and the kitchen and my desk.
Here is me riding the bike. This way you
have proof that I really do ride one :) The sunglasses are the ones you gave me
Jenn, so you can be reassured that I am not being crazy and that I am wearing
This is the really awesome door of one of
our formers that we keep trying to visit.
BEST WEEK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! (07.15.2013)
These two are to try to show you
my watch tan line...the picture doesn't quite do it justice.
One thing Arizona can boast about
is it's beautiful sunsets!!!!
this is when we got gas and met
the family. We decided to get slurpees form QT too :)

These were five adorable baby kittens that we found on the doorstep of a former investigator. They didn't answer the door (shocker), but we stayed for a while and played with the kittens.
The four of us in our red, white, and blue for the fourth. That was pretty much the extent of our celebration.
This was a man named Sotero! He is just
the cutest. I will write about him in the letter.
Isn't this cactus ginormous!?!?
This is me and Sister Walker...we were
testing out the smile timer on my camera and I didn't think it was working, but
it actually took 4 pictures haha
These weird green trees! Can you figure out what they are?
Our dinner yesterday was delivered to the church, but these were the only plates that the church had! They were so huge!!! The Elder in the background photobombing is one of the Spanish elders we work with.
The elders thought it would be really funny to park our cars paper distance apart from each other.
A pretty sunset. The camera doesn't do it justice.
The view from our window. We basically live in a cattle ranch...but without any cattle haha.
This is the last picture of Hna. Marquez and I. Now she is in the Tempe mission!
From left to right; Sister Anderson, me, Sister Walker, Sister Caldwell. These are the two sisters that we live with. They are great! Sister Walker is the other greenie and she is from Washington too.
Me walking down a never-ending dusty road.
These flowers are everywhere and I love them!!!!!
Hermana Zullo and Hermana Gibbons were my actual teachers and then
Hna. Blank worked with us a lot too.