
09.15.2014 - The Best

I appreciated your long e-mail this week. :) So thank you for writing on Sunday night instead of this morning! Haha I loved how you referred to that first paragraph as your trunky mom talk. You’re the best. It’s crazy to think that it’s only a month away. Please tell me where the time has gone?! Because I can’t seem to figure it out.  
I was wondering how different the ward will look to me when I get home…and by all the new families that you’ve mentioned in your e-mails I’m sure it will be very different. Dad would be a great seminary teacher! I’ve always thought that. I secretly hoped that he would be called when I was in seminary haha. The trombone?! Haha that’s awesome. I can’t wait to hear it. Aaron plays? I think I remember that he had some sort of music scholarship, but I didn’t know it was the trombone! Why doesn’t he still play? Christmas talent show?? :)
Let me see what happened this week…Last Monday was great because of the rainstorm. Oh how I miss the rain. Never thought I would say that. I guess the grass is always greener, huh? I love all the sunny days too though. :) We saw an owl last Monday night so that was cool! Almost ran it over with the car because it was dark and in the middle of a street, but I was able to slow down and it flew away. We got stuck in some heavy traffic on the way to one of our appointments because the main two roads were closed and we (and everybody else) had to take the long way around. But it turned out working nicely because Sister Linford and I were able to have a really good talk about self-confidence. There was one point when I felt like I was just rambling so I asked her if that’s what she feels like I normally do, but she said that the things I say are normally spot on…so that made me know that I was listening to the Spirit’s guidance as I tried to help her.
Tuesday night we went to try a name on the Ward List that the bishop gave us to find out if they still live there or not. They do not live there anymore. A creepy drunk guy with black eyes named Willie G. lives there. He was nice enough, but he was just asking a lot of weird questions and his ex-wife was LDS so I think there were some resentments there. He reached out to touch my arm and I jumped back a little instinctively because I thought he was going to hug me. We left as quickly as we could. But hey, we were able to report back with a for sure answer!
Thursday and Friday we got to go and help out at ALA Seminary and teach part of the lesson and do a Q&A session. I love it so much when I get to go to the seminaries. The kids are just awesome. They are doing missionary week and 20-30 students grabbed copies of the Book of Mormon to give to their friends. So cool! I think my favorite questions that one of the girls asked was what it felt like when they first put my tag on. It’s the best thing to be able to wear His name next to mine every day. I never want to take it off.
Friday night we also helped Mayra (RC) with her math homework. I’ve never had to talk about math in Spanish so I learned some new vocabulary. :) We had gone by because our WML wants us to help strengthen her husband’s testimony…because he apparently doesn’t really have one. He got home from work just in time for us to share the message with him. We shared 3 Nephi 27:13-22, 27 and talked about the Atonement and the Doctrine of Christ and doing and being like Christ. It was amazing to see his attitude towards our visit from the beginning to when we left. You could tell that his heart was softened and that he felt the Spirit.
Saturday we got to help out at a Stake Activity Days thing with the sisters we live with and it was so much fun. Those girls have a lot of energy! It was based off the talk Your Celestial Journey by President Monson and the theme was the movie UP. It was very well down and it was so fun to get to work with the girls. Our station was a day in the life of a missionary with sewing on a button, getting dressed, riding a bike in a skirt, and a scripture chase. The theme of our station was Press Forward and one little girl said that meant to always be moving towards Christ. I loved it! Smart kid. :)
We went and visited with Edith yesterday. She’s still having a hard time, but she’s so strong. We talked about her in ward council yesterday and they were talking about having her be a Relief Society teacher. :) She would be so great! She was so kind to us and we couldn’t leave without 3 bags of food and a bag of clothes. She’s leaving to Puerto Rico on the 23rd and she said she is going to try to be back before I leave to say goodbye and to meet you and Dad, but that she might not make it. I hope that she does!! I just love her so much. :)
Everything is so great here. I’m focusing on being more diligent so that I can come home and know without any doubts that the Lord is pleased with the service I gave. That’s all I really want. To know that He is happy with me. :) I hope all is well with you and that you have a wonderful week. I would like to close with this quote from Elder Holland. We were listening to this talk in the car this week and I love this part. It’s so true!  “Hope on. Journey on. First and forever fan the flame of your faith, because all things are possible to them that believe.” Trust in Him and He will help you do all. LOVE YOU!!!

Con amor,
Hermana Baria