
Freezing Cold Monday

I don’t know what your morning temperature is, but it sure feels pretty cold here! I haven’t had to scrape any ice off our windows yet so at least there’s that. I almost had to though! Sorry to hear that you all caught the stomach flu. Definitely doesn’t sound like a fun experience and I’m glad I don’t have it! I heard that you had to speak in church from Dad too and he told me to ask you to send me a copy of your talk. I would love it if you sent me a copy!  I would also love a picture of the Christmas tree since you seemed to forget that this week J Our sweet members left us a little Christmas tree on our porch the other night so at least we have that now! As for gifts, I’m fine having them directly shipped to me. I just won’t open the box and I’ll stick it under the tree. One other request, can you send me the words to all the verses of O Holy Night? I just can’t seem to remember all of them. 

It's the Most Wondertime of the Year

I’m right there with you Mom. It is so hard for me to believe that it is already December! And that 2013 is almost over! Time is so weird. Potential for snow, huh? Definitely none of that for us. I think that is one of the things that is hardest for me to truly believe that it is Christmastime…there is practically no weather change! Yeah it’s colder, but it’s still sunny and really nice most days. Not sure how I really feel about it. I think I might like the whole seasons changing thing better. Then again, year round sunny skies is pretty great too. I was wondering if you got the Christmas tree. I figured that you would have. Did you get a big, pretty one? Everyone hear just has fake trees. I guess those are easier and all, but there’s nothing quite like one that you cut down yourself, fresh from the field J I can’t wait to see pictures!

Thanksgiving (11.25.2013)

I’m sorry that there were so many issues in trying to e-mail me this week! That’s always frustrating when you’ve typed a big long thing and then in the blink of an eye it just disappears! I’m grateful that you recreated it as best as you could. It made me tear up and smile as I sat reading it in the library. To answer your questions…contacts…did Dad get me a membership? If so I can go and get it figured out this week, but I have to know that first. Music…I was able to print out the hard copy so no worries there. My Thanksgiving Plans…a pretty normal day except it will be filled with a lot more food! I think we are going to mostly visit with members that day and try and share the temple presentation we have with them and talk about the things that we are grateful for. The final question…I didn’t remember every word of the song and I tried to look up the words on lds.org but apparently it’s copyrighted so I’ll have to read it when I get home. I know it’s great though! I haven’t gotten the package yet, but I’m excited for it and I am sure that I will love it. I loved your list of the things that you are grateful for and I think I will follow suit and share mine too. 

Crazy Formatting (11.18.2013)

First off, sorry this letter is so weirdly formatted. I started half of it in here and then the other half in Word after I got your e-mail. Anyways, I did get the black shoes and they fit and work just great. I don’t want a brown pair just like them, but something similar would be great. I haven’t gotten contacts yet. That will probably have to be next Monday. The remodeling sounds like it has been a lot of fun! Hahaha I can just picture all of the water gushing out and it makes me smile J Your 3 trips to Lowes just makes me cringe at all the miles haha. Those are so precious here, but I guess you don’t really have to worry about that! Lucky ducks J As for my bed size…either one really works. Fulls are nice, but I’m pretty used to twins now with school and mission life. Whichever is better for you! Speaking of until I’m finished with college…yeah…so that might be a while! I’m thinking about Med school! Crazy?? The more I’ve thought about it (which isn’t a ton because I’m kinda focused on other things) the more it just feels right. We’ll see though! I’ve got plenty of time to figure that out.

Having a Gratitude Attitude (11.11.2013)

That Sharing Time sounds like a lot of fun. I’d love to see a picture of the tree! I’m sure it’s awesome. I think it’s awesome to stop and think of the things that we are grateful for in this life. Starting 50 days before Thanksgiving, the STLs gave us a chart and we write a miracle that we see during the day each night before we go to bed so that we can see and remember how the Lord blesses our lives. About the movie quote, I know I’ve heard it before, but try as I might, I just can’t think of what it is from! The mission has done that to me! Whenever I try to place of movie quotes or song lyrics there is just this big mental block and I can’t do it. It’s the strangest things.