Things are going well here! Can
you believe that tomorrow I'll have been out 5 months! Time sure does
fly.The weather is soooo nice! I love it :) I finally can understand why
people live here. It makes the summer worth it. I'll probably be
whistling a different tune when next summer roles around though! I
thought the same things as I watched conference! That it was even cooler
because I knew you all were doing the exact same thing I was :) As for
shoes, yes my feet are still the same giant feet they've always been,
size 10 for me! Occasionally a 9 1/2, but so occaisionally that it's
hardly worth worrying about. I did get a cardigan, but I wanted to get
one more. I also want some more neutral colored shirts, and some more
neutral colored patterened shirts, etc. etc. but that can wait till
Christmas or something! I had no idea Kaitlyn was going on a mission!
That's awesome! Tell her congrats for me.
you get me letter this past week? Last Monday by the time I wrote
e-mails, I still didn't know the transfer news. Then President Nattress
called us early in the afternoon and extended the training call to both
me and Sister Chavarri. We both accepted. He told us that we would be
staying in the Cloud house and that Sisters Marz and Hair would be
moving out :/ We were pretty sad about that. I busted out the cook book
that Jenn sent me and we decided to make cream cheese frosting. We ran
to the store and bought some graham crackers and it was like I was at
home :) We did a pretty good job of it, if I do say so myself. That
night we went over to the Hardt family's house. We met Brother Hardt at
the gas station one night as we OYMd people and he told us to come over
because his neighbor speaks spanish and needs the Gospel. We went over
Monday and Sister Hardt fed us and took a picture of us and sent it to
you. Did you get it?? Then they took us to the houses of some families
that they want us to teach. They are seriously the best family and
always so kind to us! We went over again last night to try to meet their
neighbor, he wasn't there, but she offered to buy Sister Bukoskie a
nice shoulder bag since hers isn't going to work long term. So kind!!!
I'm going to be like that when I'm older. We will have the missionaries
over and will be helping them and feeding them and going to lessons with
them. It's going to happen.
you are wondering who the above mentioned Sister Bukoskie is, she is my
new companion! Wednesday we had transfers! She is from Nebraska, she is
the oldest of four, she went to the Mexico MTC, she is 19, and she is a
convert of just over 2 years and the only member in her family. She is
great and really wants to work hard and be obedient and help people come
unto Christ. I love that I've already had two companions that are
converts. I think it is so great and that they have such a special
perspective to share with the people we meet and teach! At transfers we
found out that we are in a new Zone! I was sad about that, but I believe
Heavenly Father does everything for a reason. I did give my old Zone
Leader a hard time over it because he knew and he didn't tell us! But a
cool thing is we have a Spanish District now!!! yay!
we found out how they were going to split our area between us and
Sister Chavarri and her new missionary. We both wanted the northern area
because that is where our Recent Converts live and where Francisco
live! Sister Chavarri and her companion have that area and we have the
southern part. It's hard because we don't have any progressing
investigators, but Sister Bukoskie and I are ready to work hard and we
are going to find the people that the Lord has prepared!
Conference was amazing! I was so sad when it was over. I went into it
with some specific questions and was able to get answers to all of them.
I love the Lord :) I know that He hears and answers our prayers. I
loved Sister Oscarson's talk, Russell M. Nelson, Jeffrey R Holland,
Richard J. Maynes, M. Russell Ballard...basically I loved all of them,
but those stuck out to me as I am writing this.
I hope all is well with you!!! Until next week
Con mi amor,
Hermana Baria