Sounds like you
are in for a very fun trip! You’re right…I am a little jealous of the homemade
ice cream, but that’s okay. :)
Barett sounds soooo cute! I can’t wait to get to hear him talk. I still wish he
hadn’t been so shy on Mother’s Day but that’s ok. This way the first time I
hear it will be in person…and that’s better, right?? He also sounds pretty
smart/tricky. I have the best nieces and
nephews around. :) I do have Liz’s address and sent her a letter last week. She e-mailed me
today saying that she got it. I told her pretty much exactly what you just told
me to say, that I was thinking about her, that she is in my prayers, and that I
love her. Great minds think alike I suppose. And no, I can’t believe that Ryder
is three!!! And Barett isn’t far behind. So crazy.
I guess it’s my
turn to talk about my week now…where to begin. Last Monday after I e-mailed we
had to go up to the mission office to get the car looked at for an estimate. On
the way home we wanted to stop at Café Rio so we called and got permission and
it was delicious. And someone kindly and anonymously paid for us!!! I love
Gilbert. :)
We also stopped for snow cones at the little shack and we had to wait for a while because the people in front of us
order about 20,000 snow cones. While we waited I started talking with the lady
who was behind us in line and she was so sweet. She was really pregnant, due in
a week or 2, and as he handed us our cones she said, you know what? I’m going to
pay for yours. So nice! Especially since she wasn’t a member of the church and it
is members that usually pay for us. People are just the greatest.
Tuesday was good.
We had a Noche de Hogar with the Andrades at the park where they did the
cultural celebration. It was good! We did this visual object lesson with three
cup and three knives. The cups represent Jesus Christ, Prophets/Apostles, and
the Priesthood. Then you put the knives on top in this certain way and they
form a platform. That’s the foundation of the church that Christ built and we
showed how strong it was by piling all of our scriptures (about 3 sets) and the water jug on it. But then the
you pull one of the cups away (the Prophets/apostles to represent the Apostasy)
and make three different churches each with one knife and one cup…and
obviously, none of them are strong enough to hold everything. But then the
Restoration happens and you build it again. But this time, we had Kimmie, their
5-year-old, stand on it and it held!! It was really cool and a great visual
example of the Apostasy and Restoration.
Wednesday was
transfer meeting. I am now companions with Hermana Mireles. She is 22, born in
Mexico City and lived there until she was 13 when she moved to St Johns,
Arizona. She stayed in the state because of her health. She is very different
from my past companions, but she is great. We have a good time and we have a
lot to learn from each other. :)
At transfer meeting I talked to President about which transfer I would be going
home since my release date is mid-transfer. I told him my reasons and how I’ve
prayed about it and how I choose October. He was going to look if he could do that
date without having to get permission, but it looks like that will be when I
come home. What do you think? (I ask this as a question I actually want you to
answer…sometimes I ask things and you don’t ever answer. Please answer this
time. :)
Thursday was
awesome!!! You know why??? We went and visited the Carrillos. Last time I
talked to them about when they are going to get sealed they told me they were
going to wait until more of their family could come, but on Thursday Adrianna
told me that they are going to do it in July for their year mark!!!! I was so
happy/I still am so happy! I’m so happy that I’ve had the blessing of being
part of their conversion and that I’ve been able to stay in the ward this whole
year (that’s right, I hit a year in the ward this week!) and that I will be
here to be able to see them get sealed. Best news!!!
There were of
course other things that happened this week, but those are the highlights that
I wished to share. :)
I love summer in Arizona and the best thing is that it’s just starting!!! Some
of the best memories and best moments were from my first summer in good ol AZ
and I can’t wait to see what this summer has in store. I love my mission. I don’t
think I could say that enough. Sure there are hard times, there always are, but
valen la pena!!! Somehow it came up this week that as missionaries we sacrifice
18 months of our time to the Lord and I had the thought that it isn’t even
really my time! It’s all the Lord’s anyway…and really when we are found doing
His errands, His service, we are the happiest…so why not give him 18 months
fully? I know this is His work. This is His gospel. And those who don’t
understand it and don’t have that testimony of it need to do all they can to
obtain that understanding because that’s going to bring everything they really
need in life. But maybe that’s just how I see it. :) I love you and wish you all
the best. You are forever in my prayers.
Con amor,
Hermana Baria